HomeGeneralBest Road Trip Games for Kids and Adults

Best Road Trip Games for Kids and Adults

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Are you planning a road trip with your friends and family? If yes, it’s likely that you will eventually get bored while driving there. Therefore, it’s important to have some classic road trip games. Whether it’s a quick road trip lasting a few hours or a more daring adventure that requires you to drive across the country, these games can instantly make any travel more entertaining and enjoyable. Check our list of road trip games below.

Some of these games are guessing games, singing games, memory games, and classic automobile games. However, they will all give you a great deal of enjoyment and help you kill time while you’re behind the wheel. And don’t worry if you’re traveling with children; we’ve included several games they’ll like.

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1. Road Trip Bingo

This one may require more planning in advance, but it’s an excellent choice if you need to keep your kids occupied while still focusing on the road. Create a photo card or list of objects or items you would see on a normal trip, such as sheep, cows, a horse, a church, a tractor, an eatery with a particular name, and motorway services. They can check off items on their scorecards (or bingo cards) whenever they see them. To keep them guessing (and give you a little more time to concentrate on reaching your goal), you can even include some more unusual stuff there.

2. The Movie Game

This party game is a must-play for movie lovers! After someone names a film, the following player must identify an actor who starred in that film. The next individual goes on to mention another film in which the actor appeared, and so on. There’s no time limit here. Someone is eliminated for that round if they are stumped. The entire family will be entertained for those extended periods when they play this classic game, which may last for hours. It’s entertaining when someone brings up a little-known B-list star, and it’s the ideal way to show off your film expertise.

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3. Town, Country, River

This fun game is comparable to Scattergories and is a well-known car game in Germany. It’s a popular party content game. Create a table or grid on a sheet of paper, and for each column, write the following headers: town, river, plant, country, animal, name, and job. These are the most basic categories, but you and your children can select any of them based on age groups and interests. Other examples include celebrities, colors, popular song titles, actors, musicians, automobiles, brands, and so on. Music lovers will shine here.

One must now decide on a random letter. The alphabet (or words) should be written on a sheet, and someone else should point to a spot on the page while closing their eyes. The next game’s round will use the letter that was pointed to. Now, everyone starts writing. Everyone must stop when the first person completes every category, signaling that they are done. More points are awarded for words selected by a single person (10 points) than for words selected by several persons (5). If a single individual finds a word in a category, they can receive 20 points. The winner is whoever has the most points.

4. The Name Game

The initial and last letters of a person’s name or even the names of objects can be used to play this fun road trip game. It’s one of the best games for couples. When you repeat a celebrity’s first and last name, the following person will speak the name of someone whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous celebrity’s last name. If using items, choose a category, like food. The item’s final letter can then be used to form a new word—for instance, strawberries, apples, eggs, etc.

5. Going on a Picnic

You will likely perform poorly in a game of Going on a Picnic if you have a poor memory. It requires quick thinking. The game must start with the first player announcing, “I’m taking a picnic, and I’m bringing…” They conclude the statement by listing the delectable food item they plan to include in their imaginary picnic basket. The next players have to repeat the full statement while keeping in mind the item that the previous player brought and adding an item to complement it. The person who makes a mistake will not be allowed to play again.

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6. Did You Hear?

The goal of this favorite road trip game is to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth. Each player should take turns asking the other players in the car a question, but be sure to begin with “Did you hear…” The remaining participants must next determine if the statement is right or not.

7. 20 Questions

Similar to I Spy, Twenty Questions is a “guess an object” game, but it takes a different approach. Since you may play without an object that is physically visible from the vehicle, the quiz game should be a lot more engaging and varied. The idea is for the other player to guess what the first player thinks of, which may be anything—an animal, an automobile, a location, or any other thing.

Typically, other players pose a question like “Person, place, or thing?” in an attempt to greatly narrow things down. Following that, the players start the inquisition to try to guess; the other players alternately ask questions (typically in a circle) to attempt to reduce the choices. The only possible responses from the player with the answer are yes/no. If the rest of the group does not have a winner by the 20th question, there will be a final 21st round of guesses at the object before another player picks and starts a new round.

8. Fortunately, Unfortunately 

This is among the most entertaining road trip games. “Fortunately…” is the first declarative statement made by one player to begin this storytelling game.  As an example, “Fortunately, on this highway, I’ll get to see a big restaurant .” The next player has to say something “unfortunately” after the attraction, such as “Unfortunately, the restaurant is a giant booger.” In order to proceed from player to player, the next player has to say “fortunately,” and so on. Keep saying “unfortunately” instead of “fortunately” until everyone is exhausted.

9. Number Plate Game

If you want more diversity in your road trip games, the number plate can take several unique forms. This alphabet game is quite popular. It might be as easy as finding license plates on cars from other nations and awarding points to the person who locates the most. A more imaginative approach would be to have everyone commit the last three letters of a passing car’s license plate to memory.

Then, using the letters to create your yarn, you might create a story. The character’s name may appear in the first letter, an object or animal from the narrative may appear in the second, and some ideas for the character’s actions may be found in the third. Even phrases made up of simply the letters “car” might be used.

10. I Spy

I Spy may not have the most inventive concepts, but there’s a reason it’s a classic car game. Little ones can pick it up easily, and adult family members find it nearly impossible to avoid participating as well. Just be sure you always choose something visible. It’s no fun for people to guess something that happened a long time ago unless being labeled a spoilsport is your idea of fun.

11. Pub Cricket

It may sound like a particularly difficult drinking game, but don’t worry—no alcohol is used in this one. It’s among most people’s favorite games. With a maximum score of six runs, the objective of this game is to locate pubs throughout your journey and tally the number of arms and legs in each pub’s name. Just keep an eye out for pubs with the words “arms” or “head” in their names; if you see one, you’re out, and it’s time for someone else to take your place. For instance, The Horse and Jockey would have a total of 6 legs and two arms, allowing you to score a maximum of 6 and out, while The Red Lion would earn you 4 points.

12. Word Association

This road trip game is an additional classic to speed up time. Here, one person must pronounce a word first, which could be anything at all, and then the second person must think of another term that is related to the first one. So one person might say “church,” the next says “bible,” and the third adds “choir.” The game ends when someone takes too long to respond, says a term that has no clear link, or repeats a previously stated word. You’ll be shocked at how quickly your mind goes blank as things begin to speed up!

13. The Quiet Game

This is one of the best road trip games for kids. Naturally, if you really need to concentrate, you can always count on the silent game to silence the disputes and quarrels you’ve been listening to for the past hour or so. Additionally, you might be shocked by how much calmness and peace you receive in return when it’s done in the name of competition (“Let’s see who can stay quiet the longest”). If all else fails, remember to bring earbuds so you may watch a movie, play a game, or browse the internet without being distracted by sounds and conversations.

14. Two Truths and a Lie

If you want to get to know your traveling mates better, this family road trip game is ideal. It’s among the best car games for adults. Everyone takes turns giving two real facts and one lie about themselves.  It is up to the other players to figure out which of the statements is false. It may get quite competitive and is a terrific way to discover something unexpected or absurd about your fellow travelers! This game gives you an unforgettable road trip experience. It pushes your creative limits and may result in some surprising and humorous discoveries.

15. Shopping List Challenge

It all comes down to memory, and the longer the list (and the more odd the items), the more difficult it might be! The first participant is required to list an item that begins with the letter A. The following individual has to add their item that starts with the letter B after repeating the first one. Every time a new thing is introduced, the earlier ones have to be repeated. For example:

  • Player 1 says: Apple 
  • Player 2 says: Apple, Books
  • Player 3 says: Apple, Books, Coffee

These fun car games are fantastic additions to your upcoming long-distance travel and will quickly become classics on all of your car excursions. They will undoubtedly make the travel more exciting and pleasurable and speed up the passing of time!

16. Guess The Time

Find out the cities you’ll be traveling through on the way to your destination, then ask everyone in the car to guess when you’ll get there (You can’t use maps). For instance, at what time does your vehicle pass the “Entering New York” sign? The winner of that round is the player with the closest guess.

17. While You Were Sleeping

You can play this road trip game with your fellow passengers while one or two of them are napping. The other passengers collaborate to tell a story about something those sleeping missed while they were asleep. For instance, you all saw a well-known individual stop on the side of the road due to a flat tire. The famous person allows you to eat some of their sweet delicacies, hold their dog, and more. For maximum credibility, storytellers jointly agree on specific, strange elements. Unfortunately, you did not snap any photographs!


Hit the road and unlock memories! These road trip games fuel laughter, teamwork, and adventure. From classic sing-alongs to brain-teasing challenges, they turn miles into smiles. Buckle up, play, and make every journey a joyride.

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